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JFK Navigation

Project Type
Client Project

10+ people

5 Months

Project Brief

In 2018, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has invested $13 billion to renovate the John F. Kennedy International Airport (known as JFK) into a better world - class airport for air travelers.

As the construction goes on, the airport will keep operating functionally, but in a different way. To ensure a smooth commute experience for travelers who are coming to and leaving the airport, I served as a UX designer in a multi-disciplinary team and developed various strategies focusing on customer ride-sharing experience.


The Problem

Our target user group was people who landed at JFK and would use For-Hired-Vehicles (known as FHV, e.g. Uber, Lyft, Limo, etc) as their transportation method to leave the airport. We identified three major issues based on our research and field observations:

  • Safety concerns for passengers

       - What if the driver is unauthorized? What if it's the wrong car?

  • Efficiency concerns

       - The current pick-up area is unorganized, with drivers parking on streets and passengers walking on streets.

  • The pick-up area needs to be relocated (based on management level decision)

       - Googlemap can't reflect the most up-to date roadways as the construction goes on, so passengers might easily get lost.

How might we make the passenger pick up experience with FHV more smoothly  ?


We used a data dashboard developed by our data scientists to analyze passenger data and identify the potential locations for the new pick-up area. 

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We conducted best practices researches to learn from other world-class airports in the world, and came up with ideas to use in this case of the JFK airport.

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Design Solution

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A new JFK app that has a variety of features that meet the current industry standard.

One of the features was to facilitate the use of transportation.

Different kinds of transportation information will be available in one app. Below are more details regarding the FHV rideshare.

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1. Augmented Reality Navigation

- clear navigation to the destination

Once the ride is confirmed, the user would be able to use augmented reality navigation to find the direction to the designated pick-up space with the phone camera.

2. PIN System

- increase safety and efficiency

Once the ride is confirmed, both the passengers and the driver will receive the same 6-digit identification number, which could be used to identify the car in the pick-up area.

A digital sign will be installed in each pick-up spot, which the driver and the passenger would be using as a guidance.


Designated Routes to Pick-up Area


Taxi Routes

For-Hired-Vehicle Routes


Other Strategies

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Other Services

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Next Project: DrinkPal


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