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Exporta is a B2B wholesale trading platform that connects Latin American suppliers with North American buyers. As a product designer at Exporta, I have been involved in end-to-end process of developing functionalities for the platform to enhance the company's business as well as improve user experience for different stakeholders.


This product is designed for Latin American Wholesale Suppliers, who would use it to manage deals and bid on opportunities (known as RFQ: Request For Quote) more efficiently and smoothly. 

The goal of this design was to enable users to:

  • Find related RFQs more easily

  • Keep track of the status for participated RFQs

  • Take timely actions to win deals

First image.png


Within a month after the deployment, we found an increasing number of user engagement with the RFQ module. More suppliers are actively participating in the business through bidding.

Increase in data.png

We received many positive feedbacks through several user interviews that we conducted after launching this module.


Understand the Process

This product is designed for Wholesale Product Suppliers, who manufacture items and bid for purchase request.

How it works 1.png
How it works 2.png


Development Bottleneck

Exporta has many buyers who submitted RFQs, but there's a lack of suppliers who participated in bids.

In many cases, buyers would start the initiative of looking for products, but will be waiting for a long time until there're bids available for selections.


Design Dilemma

Why are suppliers not bidding actively?

Not enough information to use and act on --> discourage users to engage with the platform.

Old flow.png

Learn about Users

What frustrate them? What are they hoping to achieve?

We conducted several interviews to learn about user needs.

Persona 2.png
Persona 1.png

How to increase supplier engagement and encourage them to take prompt actions in managing RFQs?



Wireframe 1.png




Flow Chart

Data Flow.jpg

Leverage with Design System

Design System.png
Design Solution


More filters: Provide more filter types to sort matching RFQs.

New status tabs: Provide ways for users to keep track of new bids, on-going bids, and completed bids.

Save as favorite: Provide users a way to save for delayed actions

Final Design All.png

Next Project: Camera App

Let's talk about UX design, tech trend, and fun stuff in life :D                                               Find me on

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